After last years symposiums succes with the mini-lectures, we continue the concept with the in-depth sessions. This is a great opportunity for students to engage with companies of their choice. After the workshops, there is the opportunity to choose a more detailed session of your interest. Multiple sessions will be provided by different companies related to the civil engineering domain. Information about these detailed lectures related to the theme Running a Project, Towards the Boundaries of Innovations” can be found below.



Are you eager to tackle complex challenges and contribute to a safe and sustainable infrastructure network? Then sign up for our in-depth session and join us!

In Noord-Holland, over 14,500 bridges and viaducts are due for renovation and replacement. These structures are approaching the end of their technical lifetime while simultaneously the intensity of use by heavy traffic is increasing. At the same time, high standards are set for sustainability, safety and accessibility during execution. This combination makes renovation and replacement a complex issue with many uncertainties.

The bridges and viaducts are managed by approximately 47 different organizations, including municipalities, the province of Noord-Holland, Rijkswaterstaat, ProRail, and the Amsterdam Transport Region. There are many different interests, but also a shared responsibility for the infrastructure network within the province.

That is why various authorities in Noord-Holland have been involved in the Samen Slimmer Renoveren en Vervangen (SSRV) initiative since April 2024. This initiative focuses on jointly addressing the renovation and replacement task for bridges and viaducts in Noord-Holland.

During our in-depth session, we will work together with you to determine what is needed to keep the Netherlands safe and accessible, and how we can prepare for and organise the increasing renovation and replacement task.

We look forward to seeing you!



Eindhoven is developing rapidly to be the hearth of the Dutch knowledge-heavy industry. This economic growth leads to a massive search for new employee’s, which, in turn, results in large challenges relating to residential construction and mobility.

To sketch a picture: Stedelijk Gebied Eindhoven number number urbanization task of 62.000 residences and 72.000 new places to work. Roughly 10.000 of these residences are planned around Eindhoven Centraal, which results in an attractive highly urban living environment. In the wider region around Eindhoven a further 10.000 new homes will be realized. Growing the city form 235.000 to over 300.000 residents.

All these new residents and employees will bring a large number of new movements from, to and within Brainport Eindhoven. To facilitate this increase in mobility the governing bodies steer towards public transport and cycling. With a view to sustainability and spatial use, a mobility transition from car to public transport and bicycle is necessary. The transition from car to sustainable mode of transport requires a large increase in available public transport capacity in Brainport Eindhoven and in particular, Eindhoven Centraal.

Eindhoven Centraal is the public transport hub of the network of Brainport Eindhoven. To make way to the developments within the region, the public transport hub and network need to be expanded to allow for the increase in (future) passenger numbers on the different modes of public transport.

Movares is involved in both of the MIRT-explorations for the Brainportregion Eindhoven. The first is the Multi Modal Hub (Dutch: Knoop) Eindhoven (MMK) and the second is Railway Hub Eindhoven (SKE: Dutch: Spoorknoop Eindhoven).

During the session, we will take a dive in both of these explorations. With a central question of: How to determine the future capacity for a regional, national and international public transport hub?



Innovation seems to have no boundaries and the sky is the limit, however how do you cope when everyone is innovating and the playing field shields more and more regulations and complications in which to maneuver? Every branch even within the building sector is innovating and what do you do when the standardized test don’t match your new developed concept or when your colleagues consume all your raw materials as well leading to more emissions on your behalf. Is that still innovation and sustainable? Or is general (governmental) guidance needed in this playing field?

This in-depth session will elaborate on the chances and obstacles regarding the infrastructure and asphalt paving sector. Chance regarding personnel and health, obstacles regarding sparsity of raw materials. Join me in the asphalt infrastructure innovation path of the last 20 and the coming 20 years. Will I see you there?



As the world pivots towards sustainable energy, wind turbines are becoming ever larger. The quest for lowering the cost of renewable energy has driven turbines to grow in size, leading to the need for even larger foundations to support them. These XXL foundations sizes increase even further when installations venture into deeper offshore waters.
Boskalis is at the forefront of innovations required to install today’s XXL Monopiles. Join us as we unravel the journey of installing XXL Monopiles, where engineering prowess meets the relentless growth of offshore wind development.

University of Twente – Water Engineering and Management group


Extreme events, such as floods and droughts, have major impacts on society, and climate change will increase the impacts of these events in the future. To overcome these pressing challenges and prepare for the future, innovation is key. But to innovate and push the current boundaries, it is necessary to extend our current knowledge.

In this in-depth session, Niels Welsch and Amy ten Berge, two PhD candidates in the Water Engineering and Management department of the University of Twente, will tell you more about how they are pushing the boundaries of innovation in their (daily) work. They will show the necessity and practical application of novel scientific research to tackle complex challenges and to provide a livable delta in the future.